Boys' Residential Treatment Finding the Right Care for Your Son

Parenting a teen in crisis can be one of the most challenging and emotional experiences a parent can face. As a parent, you want the best for your child and it can be overwhelming when you see them struggling. It's natural to feel a sense of uncertainty and fear when trying to find effective care for your teen. However, there is hope and help available.

Boys' residential treatment can provide a safe, supportive, and nurturing environment for your child to heal and grow. In this article, we will explore how you can confidently choose expert care for your struggling teen and alleviate the stress and uncertainties that come with it.

Get the Info & Help You Need.

Finding Hope for Teens in Crisis: Meet Our Mental Health Specialists As They Explain How OASIS Ascent Helps Teenage Boys

Identifying Your Child's Needs: The First Step Towards Effective Care

Identifying your child's needs is the crucial first step toward finding effective care for them. When it comes to boys' mental health treatment, understanding their unique challenges and specific needs is essential in ensuring they receive the appropriate care. This process involves thoroughly evaluating and assessing their mental health, emotional well-being, behaviors, and any underlying issues contributing to their crisis. By identifying these needs, you can tailor their treatment plan to address their specific challenges and provide them with the support they need to heal and grow. Don't underestimate the power of identifying your child's needs as it lays the foundation for their recovery journey.

The Importance of Psychological Testing and an Evaluation

Identifying the cause of your teen's crisis is crucial for their well-being and recovery. Through testing and evaluation, you can gain a deeper understanding of their unique challenges and mental health needs.  It's important to understand whether your son's behavioral problems stem from depression, anxiety, ADHD, level 1 autism, or other co-occurring disorders. This knowledge is essential in providing effective care, as it allows you to tailor your treatment plan to address their specific issues. By investing in your son's mental health treatment and identifying the root cause of your teen's crisis, you can lay the foundation for their healing journey and set them on a path toward a brighter future.

Oasis Identifying Your Childs Needs The First Step Towards Effective Care
  • 0%

At discharge, 90% of students felt satisfied with the quality of treatment they received while at OASIS Ascent.

Navigating the Landscape of Teen Mental Health Services

As a parent, navigating your son's mental illness can be a daunting task. But fear not, with the right knowledge, you can make informed decisions that will positively impact your child's well-being. Here are some steps you can take to find help for your son:

  • Conduct thorough research on available services and treatment options. Look for facilities and programs that specialize in teen boys' mental health treatment, as they will have a better understanding of the unique challenges boys face during adolescence. Consider factors such as the facility's reputation, outcomes, and the qualifications and expertise of their staff. Some treatment options available to your family include:
    • Outpatient therapy - Outpatient therapy for teens involves regular therapy sessions with a licensed mental health professional, usually every week. These sessions provide a safe and confidential space for your son to talk about his thoughts, feelings, and challenges. The therapist can offer guidance, coping strategies, and support to help your son navigate his mental health crisis. Outpatient therapy allows your son to continue with his daily activities, such as school and extracurriculars, while receiving the necessary treatment and support he needs.
    • Intensive Outpatient Therapy (IOP) - With IOP, your son will attend therapy sessions 2-3 a week. These sessions offer a more structured and intensive treatment approach, allowing your son to receive specialized care while still living at home. IOP typically includes individual therapy, group therapy, and educational components. This level of care can help your son address his challenges, develop coping skills, and build a strong support network to aid in his recovery.
    • Day Treatment or Partial-Hospitalization Program (PHP) - With Day Treatment, your son will attend therapy sessions for several hours a day, several days a week. This level of care offers a structured and nurturing environment where he can receive intensive individual therapy, group therapy, and educational support. PHP allows your son to focus solely on his mental health and recovery while still being able to return home each day. It provides a stepping stone between outpatient therapy and residential treatment, offering a higher level of support without requiring overnight stays.
    • Crisis Stabilization - During a mental health crisis, crisis stabilization can be a crucial treatment option for your teenage son. This level of care is designed to provide immediate support and intervention in times of acute distress. Crisis stabilization programs typically involve intensive monitoring, evaluation, and short-term stabilization to ensure your son's safety and well-being. These programs often include crisis counseling, medication management, and assistance with developing new skills. Crisis stabilization aims to help your son through the crisis period and transition him to a more stable state of mental health. It can be a valuable resource for parents seeking help during a mental health emergency.
    • Residential Treatment Centers- In a residential treatment program, your son will live in a specialized facility that provides 24/7 care and support. This level of treatment offers a highly structured and therapeutic environment where your son can focus solely on his mental health and recovery. A residential treatment center often includes individual therapy, family therapy, group therapy using talk and experiential therapies, educational services & support, residential services, and recreational therapy activities. This immersive experience can help your son develop important independent living skills, learn coping strategies, achieve academic success, and receive life-changing care for his mental health concerns.
    • Hospitalization / ER - During a mental health crisis, hospitalization or visiting the emergency room (ER) may be necessary for your teenage son's safety and well-being. In these situations, immediate intervention and support are crucial. Hospitalization or the ER can provide intensive monitoring, evaluation, and short-term stabilization. Medical professionals can assess your son's condition, provide crisis counseling, and offer medication management if necessary. While it may be a difficult decision to make, hospitalization or the ER can ensure your son receives the immediate care and attention he needs during a mental health emergency.
  • Reach out to mental health professionals, educational consultants, counselors, and therapists who can provide guidance and recommendations based on their experience. They may have valuable insights into reputable treatment centers or programs that have proven successful in helping struggling teens.
  • Consider your child's specific needs and preferences. Talk to your teen and involve them in the decision-making process. Listen to their concerns and take their input into account when evaluating treatment options. Finding a program that aligns with their interests, values, and goals can greatly enhance their chances of success.
  • Ask questions and seek clarification on any aspects of a treatment program that you may be unsure about. A reputable treatment center should be open and transparent, providing detailed information about their approach, therapy modalities, and aftercare plans.
  • Reach out to other parents who have gone through similar experiences and ask for their recommendations and insights. Online support groups and communities can be a valuable resource for finding first-hand experiences and gaining a sense of camaraderie.

By navigating the landscape of teen mental health services with knowledge and confidence, you can ensure that your struggling teen receives the care and support they need to heal and thrive. Trust in your research, seek professional guidance, involve your teen, and rely on the experiences of others to make informed decisions that will lead to the best possible outcome for your child.

Some families may be ready to transition their adolescent from a residential treatment center, a wilderness therapy program, or a therapeutic boarding school. When this transition occurs, OASIS Day Treatment has the ability to offer our adolescent day treatment services to anyone, in any state. If a family has the ability to utilize resources for housing near the facility, our program will assist in a smooth transition to home. Anxiety can occur with these transitions and when asking the bigger question, “Is my child ready to come home?”

OASIS Day Treatment can support families that are integrating their adolescents into the family system in real-time interactions, setting limits, and healthy communication prior to returning home. We work closely with Education Consultants to ensure a transition of care into the home state that is needed for each individual student.

Why Choose Residential Treatment for Boys?

Residential treatment offers an effective solution for teenage boys experiencing a mental health crisis. Our specialized program creates a safe and supportive environment for your son's healing journey, with round-the-clock care and in-depth therapy. Comprehensive in nature, our intensive residential treatment program includes individual therapy, group activities, and life skills development, all personalized to your son's needs. Choosing a residential treatment center provides a therapeutic and nurturing environment that allows your son to heal, grow, and thrive.

Does My Teen Need Treatment?

Every teen’s strengths and challenges are different. Complete the no-obligation assessment to help us understand your family’s needs.

Evaluating Safety and Expertise in Prospective Treatment Centers

Finding the right treatment center for your struggling teen is a critical step in their recovery journey. Evaluating the safety and expertise of prospective treatment centers can provide you with peace of mind and confidence in your decision.

  • Research the facility's safety protocols, staff qualifications, and security measures. Ensure that they have a strong track record of keeping residents safe and that their staff members are trained in crisis management and emergency response. Check if the treatment center has accreditation or licensing from reputable organizations, like The Joint Commission, as this demonstrates their commitment to high-quality care.
  • Evaluate the therapy modalities and treatment approaches offered by the center. Ask about their treatment outcomes and look for evidence-based practices that have been proven effective in treating the specific issues your teen is facing. Inquire about the staff-to-resident ratio and the individualized treatment plans they provide. A personalized approach is crucial in ensuring that your teen receives the support and care they need.
  • Consider the aftercare support provided by the treatment center. Recovery is an ongoing process, and your teen will need continued support once they complete their program. Look for centers that offer comprehensive aftercare plans and resources to help your teen maintain their progress and transition back to daily life successfully.

By thoroughly evaluating the safety measures, expertise of the mental health providers, therapy approaches, and aftercare support of prospective treatment centers, you can make an informed decision and feel confident in the care your struggling teen will receive. Remember, the well-being of your child is the top priority, and finding the right treatment center can make a significant difference in their recovery journey.


Understanding the Healing Process: A Journey, Not a Race

The healing process for your son is a journey, not a race. It's important to understand that progress takes time and there may be ups and downs along the way. Treatment for mental health disorders requires a safe and supportive environment for your teen as they navigate their healing process. It's crucial for you to have realistic expectations and to remember that healing takes time. Remember, every step forward, no matter how small, is a step in the right direction.

It's also essential that your family be involved in the healing process. Engage in family therapy and have open and honest communication with your teen. Encourage them to express their feelings, thoughts, and concerns. Do your best to listen to them without judgment and validate their experiences. This will help heal your relationship and build trust between you and your teen.

Dealing with Your Own Emotions: Finding Strength and Serenity as a Parent

As a parent, navigating your son's mental health crisis can be an incredibly challenging and emotional experience. It's natural to feel a range of emotions, from worry and fear to stress and uncertainty. During this difficult time, it's important to prioritize your own emotional well-being so that you can provide the support and strength your child needs.

Remember that seeking help for your son, such as boys' residential treatment, is a powerful step towards his healing and recovery. Take time for self-care, whether it's through therapy, personal reflection, meditation, or engaging in activities that bring you peace and serenity. By finding strength within yourself, you can better support your child through their own healing journey.


Supporting Your Teen Through Their Recovery

Supporting your teen through their recovery is crucial in helping them heal and grow. As a parent, you play a vital role in their journey to better mental health. Encourage them to participate in treatment and therapy, offering support and validation along the way. By actively supporting your teen, you can help them develop coping skills, build resilience, and navigate their recovery with confidence. Remember, your love and support are instrumental in their healing process.

  • 0%

At discharge, 95% of parents stated they would recommend OASIS Ascent to a friend in a similar situation.

Helping Families Throughout The Insurance Review Process

Our highly experienced admissions and utilization review team will assist families by completing a verification of benefits and will obtain pre-authorization from the insurance company prior to admission to ensure the family has the necessary coverage.

Why Choose OASIS Ascent

When it comes to choosing expert care for your struggling teen's emotional and behavioral problems, OASIS Ascent is the top psychiatric residential treatment facility for boys. Here's why:

  • Safety and Immediate Care: At OASIS Ascent, the safety and well-being of teens in crisis is our top priority. We provide a safe and secure environment where your child can receive the care and support they need. Our staff is trained to handle crisis situations and ensure the immediate safety of your teen.
  • Observation & Assessment: Our treatment team is dedicated to assessing your teen to determine the nature and severity of their crisis. Through careful observation and assessment, our licensed therapists can diagnose the underlying mental health condition or trigger for the crisis. This allows us to tailor their treatment plan to address their specific needs.
  • Stabilization: Crisis stabilization is a crucial step in helping your teen overcome their mental health problems. At OASIS Ascent, we use evidence-based therapeutic interventions to stabilize your child's emotional state and behavior. This may include medication management, therapy, and other techniques to reduce distress and symptoms.
  • Intensive Support: Teens in crisis require intensive support and guidance. At OASIS Ascent, our highly trained staff provides a supportive and empathetic environment for your teen to navigate their crisis. We offer coping strategies, emotional support, and guidance to help them through this challenging time.
  • Referral and Aftercare Planning: We understand that treatment doesn't end when your teen leaves our residential program. Our mental health professionals work with your family to develop an aftercare plan for ongoing care and support. This may involve recommendations for outpatient therapy, medication management, or other mental health services. We are committed to ensuring that your teen has the necessary resources to continue their healing journey beyond our program.

When it comes to your son's mental health, choosing OASIS Ascent means choosing expert care, safety, and support. Our comprehensive approach to residential treatment for adolescent boys sets us apart and gives you the confidence that your struggling teen is in the best hands.

Success Stories: Gaining Confidence in Your Decision

At OASIS Ascent, we understand that as parents, you want the best possible care for your son during his mental and behavioral health crisis. We are proud to share the success stories and positive reviews from families who have entrusted us with their sons' healing and growth.


Finding the right care for struggling youth can be a daunting and overwhelming task. As a parent, it's natural to have doubts and uncertainties about the effectiveness of the treatment options available. However, it's important to remember that you are not alone in this journey, and many parents have successfully navigated the process and witnessed their child's transformation.

Success stories from other kids and parents who have gone through similar experiences can be a source of inspiration and reassurance. These stories remind us that there is hope for our struggling teens and that expert residential care can make a significant difference in their lives. Hearing about other parents who have seen their children heal, grow, and thrive after receiving professional help can provide the confidence you need to make the right decision for your own child.

Begin Your Healing Today

At OASIS Ascent, we prioritize your teen's mental health crisis. Our residential treatment center for boys offers immediate care and support, providing a path toward stability, healing, and recovery. Contact us today to take the first step towards a brighter future for your family. Together, we can navigate this challenging journey and find the expert care your teen needs.

Contact us today to start your healing journey and give your child the opportunity to thrive.

You Are Not Alone

OASIS Ascent is there for you and your family.

Get Confidential Help Today, Call Us Anytime: 855-701-2721

Meet Your Team at Our Utah Valley Campus

Leadership Team

Brent Esplin, LMFT

Brent Esplin, LMFT

Executive Director
Aaron Samudio

Aaron Samudio

Associate Executive Director and Residential Director
Haylee Mathews

Haylee Mathews

Admissions Director
Reggie Wilson, LCSW

Reggie Wilson, LCSW

Clinical Director
Rosanna Weeks

Rosanna Weeks

Academic Director
Wendy Hodges

Wendy Hodges

Admission Coordinator
Makynsey Boyer MSN,BSN,RN

Makynsey Boyer MSN,BSN,RN

Director of Nursing

Brent Esplin, LMFT

Executive Director


Brent has spent his career of almost 20 years working with teens and their families in a variety of different settings including long and short-term residential treatment, acute care, and home based services. He has served in various leadership capacities over the years including clinical director, utilization review director, admissions/business development director, and executive director.

Brent relates comfortably and professionally with families and teens alike. He finds great joy in guiding families out of crisis situations and into peaceful solutions. Brent’s experience working within the field of mental health in admissions allows him to have a breadth of knowledge when assessing the needs of clients in acute situations, as well as less critical circumstances. He played an integral part in creating an operational psychiatric facility and most recently helped start a short-term residential treatment program.

Brent is passionate about providing more families with quality mental health treatment by accessing their insurance benefits. Brent is an active member of his community and finds the most joy spending time with his family. His wife, Julie, and their three young adult/teenagers enjoy all sports along with hiking, camping and other outdoor activities. Julie is a competitive marathon runner and Brent rides his bike along side her to keep up.

Aaron Samudio

Associate Executive Director and Residential Director


Aaron Samudio, a native of Utah, was born with a deep connection to the wild and spent years honing his wilderness therapy skills. His heart lies in the great outdoors, where he finds solace through hiking and climbing. Aaron's creative side shines on stage in Provo, Utah, where he performs at ComedySportZ.

Beneath his adventurous and comedic persona, Aaron is driven by a profound passion for men's health and mentoring teenagers. He leveraged his expertise in these areas during his career in policy, contributing significantly to both the state of Utah and the University of Utah managing public health programs.

Aaron seeks to make the world a better place through dedicated advocacy for the great outdoors and the mental health well-being of young men.

Haylee Mathews

Admissions Director


Reggie Wilson, LCSW

Clinical Director


Reggie has supported teens and their families during mental health crises since 2000. Educated at the University of Utah, Reggie holds a master's degree in social work, a bachelor's degree in sociology, and a certificate in criminology. This impressive academic background has laid the foundation for an impactful career in helping individuals overcome their challenges and transform their lives.

Throughout Reggie's career, he has been recognized for his exceptional work and commitment to mental health. Notably, he was honored with the prestigious Sharon Moore Award for excellence in mental health, a testament to his unwavering dedication and expertise in the field.

Believing in the power of challenging negative core beliefs, Reggie empowers individuals to step into the life they have always envisioned for themselves. He firmly believes that family plays a vital role in mental health, and this belief informs his practice, ensuring that the well-being of his clients is approached holistically.

With a diverse background in mental health, Reggie has worked in various settings, including residential treatment facilities, intensive outpatient programs (IOP), day treatment / partial hospitalization programs (PHP), group homes, and private practice. However, his greatest satisfaction comes from witnessing teens successfully graduate and progress towards a brighter future.

Beyond his professional achievements, Reggie's most significant accomplishment is being a parent to four beautiful children. This aspect of his life exemplifies his dedication to family and its profound impact on mental health.

Outside of his work, Reggie enjoys pursuing hobbies that allow him to unwind and connect with nature. He finds solace in activities such as golfing, fly fishing, and camping, making the most of the picturesque landscapes offered by his home state of Utah. This balance between personal interests and a fulfilling career reflects Reggie's holistic approach to life and continuous commitment to supporting others in their journey towards mental well-being.

Rosanna Weeks

Academic Director


Rosanna has 35 years of experience in education. She began her career as an English and theater teacher, completed her master’s degree in educational leadership at BYU, then served as a school principal at the middle school and high school levels in both public traditional and charter schools. “I chose a career in education so that I might help young people see and meet their potential. That continues to be my goal each day,” she says. Rosanna is the mother of four children, and grandmother to three. She is a longtime performer in Utah county in both live theater and film productions, as a solo singer, and a member of the Tabernacle Choir. She enjoys hiking, biking, pickleball, golf, and all things outdoors, along with traveling long distances to be with her children and grandchildren.

Wendy Hodges

Admission Coordinator

Makynsey Boyer MSN,BSN,RN

Director of Nursing


Clinical Team

Reggie Wilson, LCSW

Reggie Wilson, LCSW

Clinical Director
Spencer Cook, LCSW

Spencer Cook, LCSW

Craig Rollo, LMFT

Craig Rollo, LMFT

Cristell Marcial, LCSW

Cristell Marcial, LCSW


Reggie Wilson, LCSW

Clinical Director


Reggie has supported teens and their families during mental health crises since 2000. Educated at the University of Utah, Reggie holds a master's degree in social work, a bachelor's degree in sociology, and a certificate in criminology. This impressive academic background has laid the foundation for an impactful career in helping individuals overcome their challenges and transform their lives.

Throughout Reggie's career, he has been recognized for his exceptional work and commitment to mental health. Notably, he was honored with the prestigious Sharon Moore Award for excellence in mental health, a testament to his unwavering dedication and expertise in the field.

Believing in the power of challenging negative core beliefs, Reggie empowers individuals to step into the life they have always envisioned for themselves. He firmly believes that family plays a vital role in mental health, and this belief informs his practice, ensuring that the well-being of his clients is approached holistically.

With a diverse background in mental health, Reggie has worked in various settings, including residential treatment facilities, intensive outpatient programs (IOP), day treatment / partial hospitalization programs (PHP), group homes, and private practice. However, his greatest satisfaction comes from witnessing teens successfully graduate and progress towards a brighter future.

Beyond his professional achievements, Reggie's most significant accomplishment is being a parent to four beautiful children. This aspect of his life exemplifies his dedication to family and its profound impact on mental health.

Outside of his work, Reggie enjoys pursuing hobbies that allow him to unwind and connect with nature. He finds solace in activities such as golfing, fly fishing, and camping, making the most of the picturesque landscapes offered by his home state of Utah. This balance between personal interests and a fulfilling career reflects Reggie's holistic approach to life and continuous commitment to supporting others in their journey towards mental well-being.

Spencer Cook, LCSW



Craig Rollo, LMFT



Cristell Marcial, LCSW



Cristell joined Oasis after graduating from Utah Valley University with her bachelor's and master's degrees in social work. Prior to that, her love of children and desire to serve others landed her at the Children’s Justice Center where she worked in advocacy with children, adolescents, and their families. With her caring and compassionate demeanor, Cristell assisted these families in navigating the many emotions and family logistics surrounding clinically complicated traumatic experiences. Being proficient in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Motivational Interviewing (MI), and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), allows Cristell to meet the very specific needs of each family she serves. Originally from Mexico, Cristell grew up in Provo, Utah.

Medical Team

Makynsey Boyer MSN,BSN,RN

Makynsey Boyer MSN,BSN,RN

Director of Nursing
Dr. Bill Bunn, DO

Dr. Bill Bunn, DO


Makynsey Boyer MSN,BSN,RN

Director of Nursing


Dr. Bill Bunn, DO


Dr. Bill Bunn earned a B.A. in English literature and an M.A in rhetoric from Brigham Young University. Prior to medical school he was a full-time college English instructor and was honored as a Mayhew Teaching Award Finalist at Brigham Young University and has multiple publications in the area of doctor-patient communications and medical education. He attended medical school at Des Moines University with clinical training at Ohio University. His psychiatry training was at the University of Utah, where he received outstanding junior and senior resident awards and the Arnold P. Gold Foundation for Humanism and Excellence in Teaching.

Dr. Bunn currently works as a psychiatrist for the BYU student Health Center, maintains a private practice, and is on staff at UVRMC. In addition to this, he is an Adjunct clinical instructor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Utah, School of Medicine. He and his wife Dana have two active boys. He enjoys the outdoors, plays guitar, scuba diving, building furniture, and spending time with his family.